
Man arrested for visiting Bristol anarchist center: What you need to know

A recent incident has shed light on the surveillance and monitoring of activists in Bristol, specifically at the Easton-based anarchist social center BASE. The arrest and subsequent imprisonment of Toby Shone have raised concerns about the treatment of individuals with oppositional political views by the authorities.

Toby Shone was initially arrested on terrorism and drugs charges in November 2020 as part of Operation Adream, a police operation targeting individuals believed to be connected to anarchist activities. Despite being editor of the anarchist website, Toby denied all charges related to terrorism. The Crown Prosecution Service eventually dropped the terrorism allegations against him without explanation.

However, Toby was convicted of drug-related charges and sentenced to three years and nine months in prison. Upon his release in December 2022, he was subject to heavy restrictions and monitoring by the National Security Division due to his association with anarchist activities.

In September, Toby was recalled to prison for allegedly breaching his probation license conditions by attending an event at BASE and using an unregistered phone. The incident highlighted the ongoing surveillance and monitoring of BASE by Counter Terrorism Policing South West.

Members of BASE expressed shock at Toby’s recall and emphasized that the social center is a community hub that hosts various events promoting social justice, environmental awareness, and cultural discussions. They rejected the portrayal of BASE as a breeding ground for terrorism and emphasized its positive contributions to the community.

Toby’s case underscores the state’s efforts to silence dissenting voices and suppress oppositional political views. His treatment, including being held in high-security prisons and facing restrictions on his freedom even after release, has raised concerns about the authoritarian nature of the state.

The use of terrorism charges against anarchists is not new, with past cases involving individuals associated with animal rights and environmental activism. The targeting of individuals for their political beliefs and activities reflects a broader trend of state repression and surveillance of activist movements.

The lack of transparency from authorities regarding Toby’s case and the restriction of his communication with the outside world further highlight the challenges faced by individuals with oppositional political views. The ongoing surveillance and monitoring of activists like Toby raise questions about the erosion of civil liberties and the right to dissent in the UK.

The case of Toby Shone serves as a stark reminder of the state’s willingness to use repressive measures against individuals with radical political beliefs. The solidarity shown by activists, supporters, and advocacy groups in challenging state repression is crucial in upholding democratic values and protecting the rights of all individuals to freely express their political views.